Pancakes festival

Festivalul Clatitelor Evenimente si Turism Brasov Feb

Pancakes festival

Place is in the center of Prejmer village.
Is a popular holiday that marks the transition from winter to spring. Young people leave the village, dressed in bride and groom, priest, Gypsies and Gypsy, scarecrows, hitting the top of the cart where the stove was preparing pancakes. On this occasion, the entire village is invited to the masked ball, which is organized the same evening. Here, everyone comes dressed in the most wacky costumes, and the party lasts until dawn with music, dancing and contests. People waiting at the gates houses caravan arrived. Boys dressed preparing pancakes, you meet people and then share them on the road. Pancake is thus an invitation to the role of the masked ball that evening. Similarly, it stops at the homes of Prejmer incingand hell of a dance that trains them and the villagers. Along the way, girls are stolen and careless "gathered" in a cart, which can be redeemed for all sorts of products. Young people are not reluctant to do demonstrations of skill. The masked ball is dancing, there are contests, Saxon dishes are served, and ... PANCAKES.